digital interactive web development hero image

Mateo Goods

Mateo Goods is a company that offers high-quality commercial furniture for businesses in various industries. They specialize in creating custom furniture pieces that are tailored to fit the specific needs of their clients. With a focus on sustainability and innovation, Mateo Goods is committed to delivering exceptional products and services that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing.

As part of our collaboration, we provided website development services to help create a robust online platform that would showcase Mateo Goods’ products and services. Our team integrated a custom product viewer that allows visitors to view, customize, and interact with the furniture pieces in 3D. Developed with “sustainability” in mind, the site was built using interchangeable custom blocks,  enabling Mateo Goods to modify their website content and layout according to their evolving needs. Our approach ensures that the Mateo Goods team can continue to utilize their site for years to come.


Site URL:


6 weeks



Design By

Alex Leiphart


Cylindo 360 Viewer

Year Built